I hope and pretty much suspect that I am not the only one who feels like this. But sometimes I really do want to trade my son in for another model.
I do love him with all my heart, more than I have ever loved anyone or anything ever. But sometimes (now) he drives me nuts. On the one hand, he is (generally) handsome and bright and talkative and sensitive and funny and cute and thoughtful. On the other hand, he is (right now) grumpy and over-sensitive and pathetic and clingy and whingeing and fussy. Am glad to see that the positive adjectives outweigh the negative here. That gives me hope. Unfortunately, the negative side is just so draining that I feel as though I could flop into a big jelly-like pile after ten minutes with him at the moment.
OK, I understand he has just been poorly. But, as far as I can see he is now better. And I know he is probably teething and his mouth is a little sore. But I think he is milking that too.
I am a bad nurse. I have very limited patience. I have a vicious temper. How on earth did I become a Mum? Worst possible characteristics for that particular role.
But, did I mention that I love him with all my heart, more than anyone or anything ever? I guess that is, or at least will have to be, enough.