The tree had literally come off the back of a lorry - a couple with impenetrable Bavarian accents selling them from door to door, and Carla picked the bestest of the lot. The new tree stand was the latest model by market-leaders Krinner, and can take trees up to 2.7 m high! The decorations were a mixture of ancient (bought by my mother), old (bought by us / given as presents over the past years) and newly purchased from our local IKEA. Very ecclectic, to say the least.
It was a true family occasion, Grandma and Mummy decorating the tree in colour co-ordinated red and green, Mama trying to get her favourite purple / multi-colour kitsch items (including beloved surfing Santa) on the tree, Granddad Dave sitting in the armchair, keeping out of the firing line, and Max doing the sensible thing ie sleeping in bed.
In the end Mama, all in a huff, hung 'her' decorative items on a line strung out along the bookshelves (much laughed at by everyone else).
The next morning Max woke up and thought he'd gone to heaven: A tree! In his house! With lots of lovely things on it! Including Santas (Nikolaus... ave it)! Having been told not to touch the tree, he moved his chair right in front of it to have a really good look. Of course, that didn't last very long and to date a number of items have been moved / removed / lost / broken / caused tantrums, but it is a great success. See for yourself:
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