The thing is, one of my (many) constant worries about Max is that he isn't fond of meat. He loves fish, but doesn't even really like chicken that much which means I am constantly looking for new sources of protein to ensure he has a balanced diet. However, we recently discovered that when he can see the whole chicken/goose/slab of whatever meat, he is much more interested. He was very excited about roast chicken recently, for that very reason. This evening he loved leg of lamb cooked in a whole bottle of red wine and with two heads of garlic (can I get in trouble for that? I am sure the alcohol had burnt off!) and he was especially keen on having a good old chew on the bone after tea! I guess he isn't such a serious vegetarian after all!

he takes after his grannie gristle - I love chunky meat and off the bone chewing - ask my dogs they dont get a look in!!