Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Snotty-nosed again..

It's never ending. The snot. Gallons of it. Poor little man (and poor us too). Had to pick him up from nursery again on Monday because he had / has a temperature. It seems like it has been never ending this month. I think he has been cold-free for about a week. He promptly fell asleep on the Fat Boy (yes, in front of the telly).

Felt like an awful Mum this morning dropping him off at nursery all puffy-eyed, snotty-nosed and pale (and that's just me after a month of interrupted nights!) But I just have to work and besides, the distraction should help him forget about his cold shouldn't it? I am a rubbish nurse anyway. Just ask the wife. Do I have to be able to deal with snot to be a good Mum?

1 comment:

  1. I love how you describe it sound so comical instead of very very stessful !! Not to say extremely expensive!
    And actually you forgot eh bit about the mobile phone and wallet on the journey home!!!
