...and first day at Kindergarten
I will freely admit that this was a prospect I was rather worried about. I think I thought I knew it was time for him to move from nursery to pre-school but still wasn't entirely sure he was ready. It was highly likely that I would still have these feelings of unreadiness 3 years hence which does beg the question as to who exactly wasn't ready - me or him. Yet, he was still crying when we left him at nursery - admittedly only briefly but nonetheless heart-breakingly. He had sort of started to play a little with the other children but still wasn't overly sociable. Would he cope with all the bashy, bruisy big kids? He was used to being a big fish in a small sea and suddenly the tables were going to turn...
Well, I really needn't have worried. I could not have hoped for a better transition. The first couple of days I think he was just in shock. He was certainly excited about Kindergarten as a concept but I think hadn't quite twigged we were going to leave him with a room full of complete strangers! He did cry on being left - for the first two days. He then confidently informed us that he wasn't going to cry at Kindergarten never ever ever and has been true to his word ever since...
Here we are 3 months later and I can safely say he is settled and happy. I am not entirely sure what he does whilst I am gone as he and his teachers are both equally unforthcoming but I suppose no news is good news. One things I am certain of - he plays with the other children - quite a lot of rough and tumble and his language is developing in all sorts of directions and is full of colloquialisms both cute and less cute!
Long may his development and independence advance...as long as he doesn't forget about his Mummy!!
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